Tuesday, September 25, 2012

ios 6

While I know many people have been having troubles since downloading the the new os for iPhone, I on the other hand love the new system and what it brings to the phone.

My faves:
1) Panoramic pictures
2) Alarm can set for multiple days
3) Siri can now read you directions of off map
4) Screen "warms up" aka actually adjusts to ambient lighting
5) Facebook events get put on iCal
6) New look for iTunes, app store and music

1) No bus routing/directions/the bus option SUCKS

I probably have yet to discover half of the improvements/new parts of ios 6, but so far I'm a fan and just wish I had the new phone to go along with it. It just really blows about the map thing, I used it every single day to plan my routes to campus, bowling, soccer, you name it!! At least ETS came out with a great app, finally, but the route scheduling is a bit confusing (or actually just doesn't tell you what time busses come). And I'll forever be thankful for the U of A app that shows LRT arrivals and bus times for all stops around campus.

Oh technology you rule my life...

Any opinions out there? Tragic tales of losing music, #s, etc?

Thursday, September 20, 2012


I bought new clothes for workout yesterday and now I'm excited to go work out tomorrow.. is that odd?? Oh well.

Now that school is fully underway and I have a feeling for my course load and stuff, I can plan my workout days! Even though I have kickboxing Mondays at 4:30, I feel like it's not enough so I'm going to go to the gym those days as well. So Mondays, Wednesdays & Fridays at 11am, right after class & before lunch.

So far I've only done Wednesdays and have focused solely on lower body and some core. Mondays, because of kickboxing, I think I'll stick to just cardio (bike and/or running) so I'm not sore for later. Fridays I'll incorporate some upper body, but there's only so much to do, and I hate having really sore arms. Legs I can deal with, but not arms, for whatever reason.

On the meals front, I'm always hungry!!! Why?? I'm always hungry after my first class, so only like 2 hrs max after breakfast. I suppose maybe I need to snack more or something? Not that it's a big deal, but it's annoying because I never have enough food around and, of course I come back to this, but I hate spending more money than I think is necessary. Clearly what's necessary is more, so I'll have to suck it up though haha.

I have been doing a fairly good job now the last 2 weeks staying away from sweets (besides my biweekly timmies coffee/hot chocolate) but slipped up and got a mcflurry yesterday (hey I went to the gym!!) and I've even been making veggies with my meals! Woo! Gotta keep it going though. Sometimes I'm really not in the mood for a healthy snack though, that sucks.

At any rate, I'm on the right track! I'm not necessarily looking for specific results, I mostly just want to be healthy. But  if I happen to lose a few pounds I certainly won't mind!

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Just... Wow...

I found this incredible website of this photographer (presumably from Calgary) from him following me on wordpress. I was scrolling through his pics (all are amazing!) and found one dated September 4, 2012. These pics are from the West Coast trail and gives little descriptions of some of the pics.

This adventure looks amazing!! Definitely something I'll have to add to my bucket list!!

Saturday, September 15, 2012


Now that school and everything has gotten on a roll, it's time to think about some goals for the school year. I know that I'll be busy this year, so there will be challenges for sure, but I really do look forward to each and every one of them

I'm not sure wether or not it will be worth still trying to get into kines (I'll have to ask a councilor) but you can bet I'll still be aiming for a high GPA. Last year, for the second year in a row, I managed a 3.3. Pretty good, and if I hadn't been aiming for a 3.4 or higher for kines, I would have been pretty happy with that. But now that I don't have extra pressure to do well, anything 3.3 or up will be quite fine with me. Yes, it's getting close to where marks are really going to matter for potential grad school (not that I've decided I want to do that, but it's good to plan for at any rate) so the higher the better. I think to aim for 3.5 would be attainable. I've yet to get an idea at how I might do in my classes though, so that may be realistic or not, but if I change up the ways I study I think I can do it.

My entire university career there has not been anything wrong with the way I study. I do well. But I want to get to the next level. I want more As. So I want to actually try and study/at least look at school stuff, like read text books, every day. It may be daunting task, but I have 3 hr breaks every day that could come in handy with that.

Social Life:
Now this may get tricky... This semester I am taking 5 courses (finally!), working 2 jobs, playing soccer and bowling. And not to forget going to the gym twice a week and cardio kick boxing once a week. That's a lot going on. So I think most of my socializing will be going on in a study group format, at work, or at home with the roomies. It's going to be tough when I have such a full plate, and when others are equally as busy, so we shall see how it goes! I just need to keep in mind that I need this just as much as I need to eat well, workout and study!

I'd actually like to add a practice day once a week this year. It's my last year of youth and I want the strongest showing I can muster. And that means I need to practice. Hopefully I'll get to spare quite frequently in the adult league which would help a lot. I also plan on entering more cash tournaments. And at the end of it all, I hope to be participating in another national tournament (not including CNCs which of course I'll hope to qualify for once again).

Last year I worked 3-4 days a week, but now that I have 5 classes and want to do more with bowling, I may cut it down. I can always pick up more shifts if need be. So event staff will be 2 max/week for now (there's the possibility of 3/week at the moment) and then once hockey starts up, I'll be doing one evening a week there. And I hope to use that time more efficiently this year as well, not just watching TV and movies all night. I need to budget though and make sure I get enough hours so I can pay for all my bowling this year and save up for CNCs. Until recently I was still kind of in debt from the trip that I really didn't have the money to go on.. Whoops... (Life lesson)

Last year and even this summer was not good on the immune system. I was sick way too much. My body is also starting to deteriorate, there's always something wrong with a muscle or joint now. So fitness: intramural soccer, women's soccer, gym 2/week & cardio kickboxing. Maybe some yoga on the side once in a while. SLEEP. Eat my veggies & don't worry about the grocery bill - this gets kind of tough sometimes.. If I need a break, TAKE A BREAK, AKA go home if I need to. Balance everything, and hopefully avoid major stressors.

I think that's it. Busy, busy, busy but like I said, I look forward to it. It should be an interesting year to say the least!

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

New School Year

Orientation is officially done. My second go around was even better than the first! I honestly love starting the semester this way - with a bang! It's a fresh reminder every September of what our great campus has to offer, and even more so what my faculty offers.

I just recently transfered over to the faculty of Physical Education and it's nice to hear again what they have going on (I did orientation for them last year as well) and the various opportunities. It's unfortunate that I only just transfered over in my 4th year, because I can't go to rookie camp and easily make friends (well I could, but it would be weird since I may have told a white lie last year that I was already in the faculty - shhh!), so I have to work at it - hard. Which is something I'm not good at, especially when all the older students already have their group of friends.

So my plan? I might think about running for PERCS, our student council. Maybe be a representative for BPE or be VP communications. Who knows, but I think it's at least worth checking out. It's a great way to get involved and also to meet some great people. I'm also thinking of signing up to be a peer tutor through the faculty. Another good way to meet people.

I feel like that is what I was missing last year. It was alright because I had a few people in a few classes I could sit with but other than that, there was really no budding friendship - not that I even tried though.

I am really looking forward to this year though, finally some exciting classes! So tomorrow first class at 10 then a three hour break. Another class, then hit the beer gardens with some physed kids from orientation (OLs/delegates) and then dinner at Walkabout on Whyte for Wings Wednesday!

Plan for the week:
-Beer garden
-Wayne Lee (hypnotist)
-Sign up for yoga (fingers crossed there's still a few open classes)
-Rent a gym locker
-Maybe hit up clubs fair again and try to find something interesting instead of trying to find free swag...
-Groceries! I'm literally down to ichiban, pasta, chicken, cream of wheat and a few carrots..
-And of course cleaning up my room and house since the last 4 days all 3 of us have been busy with orientation stuff

Also, if you hadn't noticed I changed my blog title. Not sure if I like it so I'm definitely going to be thinking hard about it. Leave a comment if you like it or have a suggestion!

Now off to bed and finally sleeping in!!!

Ps. More to come on orientation

Saturday, September 1, 2012

To Do

  1. Change blog title!!! It no longer applies and will never again apply! AH!
  2. Put up posters. They've been collecting dust on my floor because I was too lazy to do it when I first changed rooms/I wanted help but never asked... lol
  3. Clean up desk so I can get the school mood going
  4. Print of class schedule and put of fridge
  5. Get ink refilled so I can print said schedule..
  6. Go to the doctor for ridiculous reasons
  7. Get groceries - 10% Tuesday at Safeway anyone??
  8. Get hair cut. Just a trim and add back in some layers I'm thinking. Also getting bangs I think and hopefully once they get long I will for once go get them trimmed!
  9. Get texts books. Gotta wait for Tues & Wednesday though to see if they are actually needed, then talk to Sam, the counter attendant at bowling who was in physed so she has most of the books
  10. Go see eye doctor. More likely than not, I won't be able to last long with this blurry vision
  11. SHOP
    • Backpack (I've had mine for 6 years now, 'nuff said)
    • Fall jacket
    • More tight & bright for Tuesday
    • Whistle for cheering on Tuesday
    • Snow leopard OS so I can possibly update to Mountain Lion
    • Computer charger (takes a special touch for it to work..)
    • Body pillow (Not necessary but I feel like it would be super comfy!)