Friday, May 18, 2012


Hello from Toronto; well Missisauga technically. For any one who might not know, I'm out here for Team Canada trials for 10 pin bowling - the biggest national tournament in the country. It's the selection process for Team Canada, who gets set to various international tournaments throughout the globe.

By no means do I expect to make the team. I don't even expect to make the cut to the last day (top 12 for women). If I had to pick a # I'd say top 20, since last year I was 25th. After today's start, that might be a stretch, but anything can happen in the next two days.

So far we've done a lot of driving and eating, it seems. Last night we hit up the Rogers Center for a Blue Jays game. Jays won over the Yankees 4-1. Today was the first shift; women in the morning, men in the afternoon. It was BP's for lunch and then for dinner we went over to Square One shopping center for Johnny Rockets and walked around a bit. It's very reminiscent of West Ed back in Edmonton. We got back to the hotel, hung around for a bit then a few of us went for a walk. Now me & Carla are just chilling in the hotel room. We don't start until 2 tomorrow so we don't have to worry about getting to bed early - but I'm pooped. I think I might have to watch Grey's though.

Not sure what's up for tomorrow. The only thing I want - FRESH FOOD. I've had it with all the grease. My stomach is not happy with me.

Day 1 total: 925 (not good) sitting 48 out of 54. Hopefully I can make up some ground tomorrow on the medium oil, today was short. Everyone back home must be wondering what went on with me today, the were all expecting me to destroy on the short. Oh well. Just gotta get over it and move on. It's only 6 of 18 games. And at the end of the game, as long as I know I did the best I could/I was throwing the ball well, that's all I can ask for.

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