Thursday, May 31, 2012

Entering the Realm of an Actual Full Time Student

It's true! After two years of barely being a full time student I will once again be a full fledged full time student as I have been accepted into the faculty of physical education, majoring in physical activity and sport performance.

Truthfully, when I found this out I wasn't as excited as I should have been. Maybe because of the disappointment in knowing that being accepted into kinesiology probably wasn't going to happen. But now that I have received my official letter and have been going through more of the classes, I definitely am getting a bit eager, and realize this is still the right path for me: all the classes sound so me & and so interesting!!

As far as how messed up classes and things will be.. Answer: very. I'll have 100, 200 & 300 level courses throughout the same semester; it's kind of ridiculous. Also that it might take me an extra year or two to graduate.. But if I play my cards right, I can take my activity classes so that I can have 6 classes/semester for a bit and then maybe take some summer courses. No spring courses unless I happen to not qualify for CNCs next year, but chances are fairly low for that to happen.

So things are definitely starting to look up, and once the money starts rolling in and I get a clean bill of health (or at least near) from the physio, I'll be feeling real good!

Friday, May 18, 2012


Hello from Toronto; well Missisauga technically. For any one who might not know, I'm out here for Team Canada trials for 10 pin bowling - the biggest national tournament in the country. It's the selection process for Team Canada, who gets set to various international tournaments throughout the globe.

By no means do I expect to make the team. I don't even expect to make the cut to the last day (top 12 for women). If I had to pick a # I'd say top 20, since last year I was 25th. After today's start, that might be a stretch, but anything can happen in the next two days.

So far we've done a lot of driving and eating, it seems. Last night we hit up the Rogers Center for a Blue Jays game. Jays won over the Yankees 4-1. Today was the first shift; women in the morning, men in the afternoon. It was BP's for lunch and then for dinner we went over to Square One shopping center for Johnny Rockets and walked around a bit. It's very reminiscent of West Ed back in Edmonton. We got back to the hotel, hung around for a bit then a few of us went for a walk. Now me & Carla are just chilling in the hotel room. We don't start until 2 tomorrow so we don't have to worry about getting to bed early - but I'm pooped. I think I might have to watch Grey's though.

Not sure what's up for tomorrow. The only thing I want - FRESH FOOD. I've had it with all the grease. My stomach is not happy with me.

Day 1 total: 925 (not good) sitting 48 out of 54. Hopefully I can make up some ground tomorrow on the medium oil, today was short. Everyone back home must be wondering what went on with me today, the were all expecting me to destroy on the short. Oh well. Just gotta get over it and move on. It's only 6 of 18 games. And at the end of the game, as long as I know I did the best I could/I was throwing the ball well, that's all I can ask for.

Thursday, May 10, 2012

One Step At A Time

Well things are slowly starting to come together. I've finally gotten another interview for tomorrow. Second Cup by the bowling alley, which would actually be really nice. I could go bowling after/before work whenever I wanted to and wouldn't have to make a long trip. This type of job is still not what I would ideally like to be doing for the summer, but at least it's something! And who knows, it may end up being awesome.

Secondly, I pretty much have an idea of what school for next year is going to be now. I finally got my last mark in. I had a great semester, not too many people would find fault with the marks I had, unless they were trying to get into a professional program, but unfortunately it's not good enough for kines (unless the entrance average drops for some reason - highly unlikely). So it's looking like a BPE for me. I'm still not 100% sure on the entrance average, but what the undergrad office had told me, I should be good to go. Still, fingers crossed.

Thirdly, just a week until team trials! For some reason I don't think summer can really start until I get back from that. The last two years I didn't start working until I returned from the tournament so I guess that can explain why I feel so odd about wether it should be summer or not right now.

I'm really excited to get out of this city for a few days, explore another, make some new friends and plain just bowl! Actually, plain just HAVE FUN. I've been working hard for too long now, even if I've been sitting on my butt a whole bunch. I can't wait to just throw the ball, see results and have some fun with friends - have some adventures.

Things are also coming together for living arrangements for next fall. There have been some difficulties figuring everything out, since plans/life can change and get a little crazy but it's looking up now.

Now if the weather would decide to stay at a certain temperature...

Note: I have already finished book #1 of the summer. Deception Point by Dan Brown. Love this book, I read it last summer I think too. I have other books hanging around, half started months ago but they are just soo boring. So I'm going to have to head to the library one day.. maybe I'll do that tomorrow on the way back from my interview... Thankfully, being a U of A student we can use our onecard as a library card! Any suggestions for good reads?

Sunday, May 6, 2012

Summer Lovin'

As promised, here's my summer bucket list!

  • Go camping
  • Go on a road trip
  • Go swimming! Preferably at a lake, but I suppose a community outdoor pool could suffice
  • Hang out at Rundle/Hawrelack park. In particular:
    • Mini golf
    • BBQ
    • Sun tan
  • Take a day and bike around the city
  • Explore the ravine/bike trails
  • Capital Ex in July
  • Volunteer at CBCs Play On ball hockey tournament in June
  • Check out the Edmonton FC/volunteer at their games
  • Heritage Festival at Hawrelack
  • River Day on the North Saskatchewan River
  • Go skydiving
  • Read 8 books minimum
  • Go bowling (of course)
  • Wings @ Walkabout when Victoria is back in town
  • Margaritas @ Julio's on a gorgeous day
  • Patio drinks in the sun
  • Do something for my birthday
  • See Gabi in August
  • Take part in the birthday celebration for my uncle in Saskatchewan next month
That's all I have for now, but I will add some more as I think of them. Anyone else have interesting summer plans/wishes? I'm super jealous of the ones who will be gallivanting around Europe...

Ps. I got a taste of summer today! Played some ball with Matt & Meagan then read in the sun for a good hour or so. The sun is still out and shinning brightly and I have a soccer game coming up in a few hours, so that'll be nice too. Yay! Now just to get a job and my summer would be starting to come together quite nicely : )

Saturday, May 5, 2012

Summer Time

For most university students, this time is now summer; as summer proceeds school, as we all know. Now I don't quite remember last year, but I think this year is a bit different - it doesn't feel like summer at all yet. It could very well be due to the fact that I have spent almost every hour since finals finished at home, out of the reach of sunlight.. But it's also MAY, so the weather doesn't give a very good summer vibe. Though to be fair, I was down on Whyte ave the other with the sun shinning and it was getting there - it was fabulous!

So. Summer should always have some kind of adventure; should it not? I don't want to waste this one like I did all the others. I want to be busy, or at least not bored at my computer day after day. I also want to explore the city a bit more. After 3 years of living here now, I can alllllmost say I'm an Edmontonian (though I never will say it because it makes my stomach turn :p) but I actually don't know the city that well/have not been around it much.

Through applying for jobs though, I've discovered what exactly this city has to offer during the summer, and I'm excited to discover it. There's the ravine down by the river, good for jogging or walks, there's Hawrelack of Rundle park, with paddle boats & minigolf. There's the expo; right after the Stampede (it won't be nearly as good, but it should still be worth checking out). I'm sure there are other things as well, so I think that I'm going to take some time (as I have bucket loads of that right now) and plan out what I would like to accomplish this summer: a to do list/summer bucket list.

I always seem to manage my life better/enjoy life more when I actually write down what I want to do/what needs to be done. So I think that's what needs to be done! I really want to have an EXTRAordinary summer, and seeing as how I actually have friends in the city this summer, this shouldn't be TOO hard.. But alas, at the end of the day it is still me ;) Gotta work on that haha.

Look forward to a post listing all the things that I would enjoy getting up to this summer!