Thursday, February 9, 2012

It Feels Good

Acknowledgment from your peers. It's a good feeling. And I really (finally) got it tonight.

Ya, I get the usual "good job!" and "way to go!" but this a step up and a bit overdue in my mind - because I work this hard every night. I guess it's the goals that really count..?

The last 3 games I got moved up to forward. In the first two I couldn't burry any goals, despite having at least 4 chances a game. I ran my ass off, got into open spaces, worked my way into open spaces and set up some nice plays that in the end went wide and barely counted as a scoring chance.

This game, funnily enough I felt like it was my worst game of the 3, but yet I ended up with a goal and an assist - I was in on all our goals.

My goal was not pretty. I was running 45 degrees to the goal with the defender right there. I shot the ball while falling (trying to get more power on it), it deflected off of her, went wide and I managed a second shot with my left foot while I was basically still laying on the floor. It squeaked passed the goalie into the left corner. Lying on the ground, I hit the ground with my hand almost out of exasperation because why couldn't have been a pretty goal? Also because I couldn't believe it went in like that. OH. By the way, the lead up to me racing to the ball was off a defenders clear, it looked like it was going out, so I ran hard about perpendicular to the boards with my head on the ball. At the last second I look in front of me just as I hit the boards. Whoops. But I quickly regained sight on the ball and burst off after it to set up that hard working, greasy goal.

The whole bench was cheering for me. Everyone grinning ear to ear. Carly, one of my closer friends on the team actually gave me a hug as I came onto the bench and everyone gave me high fives. THAT's the kind of recognition that feels the best. You put in all this effort, come up with a result and get some love.

I also ripped up my knee on the goal and then made it worse in the last second of play when I couldn't get the shot off in time; my line was rolling (when we were together) and we almost came within one in the last 45 seconds of the game.

Then! This is my favorite part.
One of the girls was talking to another and was saying "If only we put in the effort she did in the last 45 seconds of the game.." I replied laughing, "Ya, and for a whole 50 minutes!". But IF ONLY. If you realize, why don't you? But anyways. It was still a decent team game which I'm glad for.

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