Monday, February 27, 2012

Back To The Grind

Reading Week was a nice break, I decided to relax, and put school mostly out of mind. That probably greatly contributed to my great weekend of bowling - I don't bowl well stressed. But now school is back and exams are once again on the horizon and I still need to catch up on school stuff; mostly reading.

My biomechanics prof finally put our marks up on eclass. The way he does it is he ranks us and a certain % gets a certain grade. I'm currently sitting 17th out of 98, which means I'm sitting at an A-. Which is awesome, because I was worried that after that first midterm of 73% that I would have a LOT of ground to make up, but I'm doing all right. And thankfully for iClicker questions, which he's counting as quizes, I'm at 85%, top 11 even though I forgot my iClicker one day - fist pump! So I guess things are going well enough for that class, but I should push it a bit more, if I can, to try and get that A+ incase something else fails. Top 5% get an A+...

I'm still waiting on my PA for special populations grade. I'm worried for that one. Computing is next week but I have no idea what to expect, and I should really get on that right away.

Sunday, February 26, 2012

Check Me Out

I've decided to change up my other blog a bit, turn it into a year-round bowling blog. If you want to check it out, and read up on my experiences, go here. I just had a heck of a weekend bowling and I want to be able to look back next year and see how I compare.

Tuesday, February 21, 2012


Just a random thought:

I think I would have really enjoyed playing University soccer. I never would have made it because of my conditioning. But it would have been a blast. When I was first thinking about varsity sports, I thought it would suck, always being busy with it, can't really have a social life. But at this moment, right now, being on a team like that would be more of a social life then I have now, and I'd have more friends than I do right now. No I'm not trying to say I'm upset with my social life, but rather saying that that point is no longer valid for not wanting to be a varsity athlete.

When I would work Panda hockey games, the girls would be warming up where we were setting up, just having a blast, yelling, screaming & laughing. Immense team spirit. I really miss that camaraderie. I had it in high school; playing div 2/3 does that. And I miss the team workouts. And practice. Really, I miss all of competitive soccer.

I play div 3 women's competitive soccer right now, but it's not nearly the same, there's no accountability, people don't give their best night in, night out. They want to win, but not if it takes too much sacrifice. They don't understand anything about sacrifice. I do. That was my life 4 years ago, it had been for 3 years. Now people look at me play, look at my bruised & scabbed up knees and go "holy moly!". But just a few years ago, that was kind of expected.

So I guess this turned out more to be a rant about missing that really high level of soccer. What's sad is that I'm just not at that level anymore, I've gotten away from it because I went to the lower levels, thinking I couldn't handle the commitment. But I still can't commit to practices and workouts like I used to. Or maybe I've convinced myself I can't - I probably can. But it all just seems impossible while I'm trying to get into a super competitive program and while trying to be a top ranked bowler in Alberta/Canada. 

Just when I thought life was finally settling down for a bit, I find myself unsure of my future with a game I've been playing for more than 15 years.. Which is actually kind of scary.

Thursday, February 9, 2012

It Feels Good

Acknowledgment from your peers. It's a good feeling. And I really (finally) got it tonight.

Ya, I get the usual "good job!" and "way to go!" but this a step up and a bit overdue in my mind - because I work this hard every night. I guess it's the goals that really count..?

The last 3 games I got moved up to forward. In the first two I couldn't burry any goals, despite having at least 4 chances a game. I ran my ass off, got into open spaces, worked my way into open spaces and set up some nice plays that in the end went wide and barely counted as a scoring chance.

This game, funnily enough I felt like it was my worst game of the 3, but yet I ended up with a goal and an assist - I was in on all our goals.

My goal was not pretty. I was running 45 degrees to the goal with the defender right there. I shot the ball while falling (trying to get more power on it), it deflected off of her, went wide and I managed a second shot with my left foot while I was basically still laying on the floor. It squeaked passed the goalie into the left corner. Lying on the ground, I hit the ground with my hand almost out of exasperation because why couldn't have been a pretty goal? Also because I couldn't believe it went in like that. OH. By the way, the lead up to me racing to the ball was off a defenders clear, it looked like it was going out, so I ran hard about perpendicular to the boards with my head on the ball. At the last second I look in front of me just as I hit the boards. Whoops. But I quickly regained sight on the ball and burst off after it to set up that hard working, greasy goal.

The whole bench was cheering for me. Everyone grinning ear to ear. Carly, one of my closer friends on the team actually gave me a hug as I came onto the bench and everyone gave me high fives. THAT's the kind of recognition that feels the best. You put in all this effort, come up with a result and get some love.

I also ripped up my knee on the goal and then made it worse in the last second of play when I couldn't get the shot off in time; my line was rolling (when we were together) and we almost came within one in the last 45 seconds of the game.

Then! This is my favorite part.
One of the girls was talking to another and was saying "If only we put in the effort she did in the last 45 seconds of the game.." I replied laughing, "Ya, and for a whole 50 minutes!". But IF ONLY. If you realize, why don't you? But anyways. It was still a decent team game which I'm glad for.

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Possible Future

Last night the roomies and I were discussing our futures; our "dream" jobs and what we would do if that simply didn't work out. For the last little while I have been thinking about doing lab work, experimenting/discovering different ways to.. I'm actually not sure for what/on what. But I know that I want to be on the math side (I guess that's what I would call it). You know, like physically seeing what happens when a runner runs, for example.

So I just finished a reading for my PERLS 207 class (physical activity for special populations), and it was a study on electrical stimulation to increase muscle activity. This case specifically was for people who had trouble with their gait/walking (from drop foot) because of suffering a stroke.

Now I was kind of in and out while reading because I was up at 6:30 and it's 10 now and there was a lot of statistical jargon going on, but when I really focused on it, I found it really interesting, and could see myself working in a lab/with patients doing something like that.

This class is next at 11 and we have a guest lecture on this exact topic, so I hope to get more insight on it. So now I definitely want to find a research position for the summer. I have to stop being lazy and just send out a few emails! Why do I find that so hard to do..?

Anyway, I wanted to share my "lightbulb" moment, as Victoria would call it. And it's just funny how it coincides with what I was just talking about last night.

I LOVED the lecture. Super cool stuff. I think that's an avenue I'd like to explore, that would be perfect in a lab setting! I know who else to email about research positions then! 
On the list: Profs from..
-Skill acquisition & performance
(both of whom I know for sure have done research in the past)
-PA for special populations (or really the guest lecturer)

Also, I might look into the Steadward center here at the U of A, where they also do FES rowing/cycling (what the lecture was about). 

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Good Food

I just had the most delicious meal that I've had in a looong time! Funny enough, it probably doesn't get much simpler than this: spaghetti!! Yep. Take a can of Primo thick tomato sauce, and in some ground beef and you're good to go! As soon as I opened the can of sauce I was already salivating. I don't know why it's been so long since I've had the simple pasta, but it's been even longer since I've had a beef sauce. SO GOOD. Sprinkle on some parmesan cheese, toast some bread and sprinkle on garlic salt, and there's the garlic bread. SO GOOD!! Suffice it to say I devoured it.

Taken with instagram

I had been so set on finding new recipes to try, that I had forgotten about the awesome old standards! Man! Well now I have 3 containers of sauce in the freezer so I won't soon be forgetting about it! I also love how quick it is to cook. Especially now that I have the sauce made up, it'll be like, 10 mins, max? Great for nights when time is sparse!

On another side of food, after talking with my mom and exercising and nutrition, I've realized I really need to stock up on the carbs before soccer games. By the last 15 mins or so and especially after the game, I'm incredibly shaky - not a good feeling. I quickly restore myself with protein, but I still want to avoid the shakes - who knows, I may end up passing out some day! So. Here is my query to you; what would be some carb heavy foods that would be great for supper? A pasta meal like the above?