Monday, November 28, 2011

10 Pin Dilemma

I went into this year saying that I'm going in every tournament so I can get more "big game" experience. There was one yesterday, but I missed it because I was in Calgary; though I probably would have skipped it either way - $50 and my finger is still sort of healing. There's another next weekend, both days, and I really want to do it.

But. I have a CT scan scheduled for Sunday morning, same time as the tourney. I don't really want to push that back because it might end up being a long wait. The tourney is also $75.. a bit steep, though there's a chance of winning $200, and not to forget I would gain valuable experience.

So I'm a bit on the fence, but definitely leaning towards not doing it. I just need to keep things simple, and not worry about $$, though it's payday tomorrow and I just realized I'm getting a good sized cheque so I don't need to worry that much anymore. But also, I need to save up $1000+ for CNC's since I didn't come top 2 in that tourney this year (where they give you the $1000 for CNC's).

So really, I think it would be stupid and a tiny irresponsible if I chose to go in the tourney. I also work the Sunday.. haha wow, I guess there are too many good reasons to not do it. I guess that makes the decision a lot easier. Though I'm not happy about it :p

Countdown time yet..?!?!

Sunday, November 27, 2011

8 Days

That's right, only 8 days left of school. THANK GOD. I don't know how long I can hang on. I had a MUCH needed time back at home this weekend, I was able to relax and forget about the rest of the world, and just spend some quality time with my mom, which I feel I haven't had or appreciated in a very long time.

After being so sick the last week and the week before I had done nothing, just relaxing after exams and assignments were finally done, I really need to catch up on notes. I have no idea whatsoever what's been happening in class and today is the day I had planned on starting to study for finals. It's not going to happen, but I hope to plan out what I want to do each day until my last exam. I also have to factor in work, so it's imperative that I do this right away and follow it as closely as possible. I have to make sure this time to make time for relaxing though. For midterms I would study for 6 hours straight every day. Probably not the best way to go about it. But factoring in work will help with that and I should try to hit the gym every other day.

I neeeeed to stay stress free the next few weeks. I hadn't realized how stressed/unhappy I had become before going back home. Maybe that's why I was having some pretty major health issues. It's tough to de-stress though when you don't even realize that you ARE stressed.. So I need to avoid things that could be stressing me, and get out of the house more.

Here's hoping the next 3 and a half weeks fly by (with little harm) so I can get back home and celebrate the holidays.

Good luck to everyone winding down their studies!

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Winter Wonderland

I actually love the snow. I'm not a fan of what develops because of it, ie. icy roads which lead to bad traffic and bad slips, and other annoyances, but that white stuff makes me happy.

We had our first snow fall this weekend, not much but enough, and I was a bit indifferent. But walking home from work late at night, in a field full of the fluffy stuff seemed to cheer me up after a bad night of work. The next night, I was in a fabulous mood once I got through the field, I even had a bounce in my step. Yeah, I know.. :p

Last night, as I had just that day put xmas music on my computer, I was walking through the field once again, listening to those jingling bells and it just fit. There's just something so serene about the chilled, moonlight filled air, and kicking through the snow in my wool boots. It probably helps that it hasn't been overly cold though, the coldest it's been was -9 this morning.

I really enjoy winter so I wish I lived ABOVE ground so I could see all its majesty.. Which would actually put me in a christmassy mood, which everyone around here is already into. Darn you Starbucks and your commercialization of Christmas!!!

Speaking of Christmas, due to poor management of money (AGAIN-somehow-darn Starbucks again!), I'm not sure how I will last and buy presents until I get my next loan payment.. :((( (All money coming in is going towards rent..)

Thursday, November 3, 2011


Wow! Can this be me in about 7+ years please?!
(ps. I've actually bowled with her :))

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

The Big Payoff

Hallelujah! Finally some results! I got my psych mar back today and it finally shows that I have put in the effort and know what we are talking about. All my other exams, I've felt like I've known the bulk of information but it wasn't translating to my grades.

So this time I changed what I was doing to study and I guess it worked! 81% baby! 11% over class average, which also happens to be the standard deviation. So what does that mean? I've never really tried to understand the statistics when it comes to university marks..

Anyways, I'm just so happy it paid off. I hope I can do it again with my health ed test next Wednesday. I'll for sure be doing the same thing; creating quizzes for myself. I really don't know why I never thought of that before..

I'm also happy because I get to sleep in tomorrow! No 8am soccer class! There's a conference for soccer teachers I guess. So only one class at 11. That means sleep in and then I can go to McDicks to figure out why they aren't scheduling me! I should almost just quit on the spot..

So hopefully my marks can all be pretty good leading into finals. I think I'm sitting decently to get B+ in each class. And that's exactly what I need. Or better. Please better.

Starting this weekend begins the month of packed weekends. Work 5hrs Fridays, bowling and work for 5hrs Saturdays and 7hrs for work on Sundays. Woohoo. But almost literally because these jobs are fun and slack! Heck Saturday I'm getting paid to sit in a penalty box, watch hockey and occasionally open the door!

I'm feeling pretty good for this time of year :D
Though I still want it to be December so that it would actually be appropriate to be playing christmas music :p

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

So Ridiculous It's Awesome

Spoiler Warning. New Girl. I already blogged about this show and how the main character is so odd and ridiculous. I have been able to get over that and I am so glad I did. Tonight's episode had one of the best scenes ever. It relates to the Friends episode where someone accidentally sees someone else's parts so they have to get them back, but accidentally sees someone else, and so on. But in this one it's just Jess, the awkward girl who can't even say penis, who sees her roommates junk and ends up laughing; more so because that's what she does, not because it was funny (ps. how did she have a boyfriend and live with him?!). So of course she feels bad and tries to repay him by waiting for him in his room but turns out he brought a girl home.

So she's trying to crawl out of the room, with a towel around her, and he ends up bending down with all his clothes off. She sees his little friend again, screams, runs towards the door with one hand holding the towel and one over her eyes, crashes into the wall beside the door, lets go of the towel and ta da! So hilarious!! I wish I could find the scene on youtube because it is epic, but New Girl doesn't seem too popular for people who do that kind of stuff-yet.

I just love this show so much, it brightens my day. If you have yet to see this show and have half an hour to kill, watch it! It may not be for you, but maybe give it a few episodes. Zoe Deschannel is so funny!