Monday, October 24, 2011

Rolling In The Green

Earlier in the year I had applied to work as event staff for the University Athletics. I had never heard back so I had assumed that they had enough staff. Last week though I got an email asking if I wanted to come in for an interview. Heck yes!

So Thursday was the interview and today, Monday, I got a phone call, and yes I got the job! It's exciting because one, I'll make ~$11/hr and two, I know people already working there/it's a great chance to meet more people!

I'm a tad concerned that I may be taking on too much now; that's 3 jobs on the go. Max I'd have 4 shifts a week (min 3), but that sounds like a lot. Though doing the equipment room on Sundays will give me some time to study, just not adequately. But this could also be a good thing for me. It'll force me to do school work right away because I now that my weekends will be pretty full.

So in November my schedule should be as follows:

Sun) ER 4:15-11:15
Mon) Leaving the evening open for a chance at sparing in the adult bowling league
Tues) Changing McDick's to possibly 1:30-6ish
Wed) Leaving the evening open for bowling practice which should be starting soon
Thurs) Soccer games are anywhere from 7-10, every week
Fri) Possible athletic events, 4:30-10:30
Sat) Bowling 9-1, possible athletic events 4:30-10:30

Max 24hrs work/week.. I slightly cringe at that thought. But that means some nice moolah for me. And I need it if I want to do all these bowling tournaments, party, eat out/have a good time away from the house, etc.

I hope it's manageable, and it shouldn't be stressful work. But if something has to go, you know which it'll be. I'll feel bad because I just did the crew trainer training but oh well haha.

Crazy times to come but I look forward to the challenge!!

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Round 2

Next week begins round 2 of midterms. Psych is up first again and I am already getting started on it. So far I've just caught up the readings (already not following my plan of reading everyday-but it's hard when you always have to study..) and I started making practice questions.

Last year in biochem, we had this online quiz for every module. It was a great idea and really helped. I was able to see where my strengths were are what I needed to spend more time on. So that's where I got the idea of creating an online quiz. My last exam didn't go to well, so I also figured I should try something new.

With ProProfs you can make multiple choice questions, T/F, fill in the blank and essay questions. It's a really handy tool and you can customize it the way you want your quiz to turn out. An advantage to making your own quiz is that you have to look at this information, create questions that you think would be of exam caliber types, and if it's a xchoice question, think up of possible different answers and then distinguish which is the correct answer. If you take the test right after, this is of course going to be a downfall-you just inputted all the correct answers so you're of course going to get close to a perfect score because you remember.

So, after creating 2 quizzes just now, I'm taking a break and then I'll do them later in the day and see how much I've retained. I now I need to review/learn the other things and these quizzes are only from my readings so there's a crap load more to look at, but this is why I'm starting more than a week in advance.

I'm super serious about doing well in this class if you haven't realized yet.. At least I enjoy creating study tools and the information being put into isn't too dull either, which definitely helps.

I've been here for about 4 hours now and am debating going home, or just taking a longish break and then getting back at it.. but my back is sore from this chair :s

And I'm cold now :p

I enjoy being productive :)

Friday, October 7, 2011

Coming Home

It's always weird going back home to Calgary. Familiar yet odd surroundings. Adjusting to being around family again. Adjusting to not slamming kitchen cupboard.. haha. (Mine in Edmonton can't be slammed :p)

It's really just such an odd feeling being back home. Like nothings changed, just in the fact that I get home and there's really no talking or anything, we all go about our own usual ways. I made effort this time, and actually my SISTER made an effort. She actually wanted to play cards with me! And asked if we could go to Cora's for breakfast tomorrow! This is not normal Stephanie behavior, but I sure as hell won't point it out, or else it could be gone in an instant. We shall see how long this persists. The effort on my part was the suggestion of Monopoly, get everyone doing something together, which we very rarely do. So, so far so good.

Tomorrow is a new phone!! I've been eligible for an upgrade for like a year now... I'm actually thinking maybe HTC.. Super stoked on a new phone either way, mine's been acting up for way too long now. I'm also going to pick up some new soccer shoes and then go to this guy's bday party with my friend. Just gotta remember to fit in studying in there. Gotta get some done in the morning, I'm thinking.

I really hope I can just relax and recharge a bit this weekend. And I really want to talk to my mom about everything school wise, like everything that's on my mind and all my worries but that's a really tough thing to start bringing up with her, especially when she makes me feel like she's always judging me. She already did it today, bugging me about my psych exam.. We'll see..

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

It's Ironic

I'm currently taking a health education class and it covers a broad range of topics that pertain to being healthy & well. One of which includes talking about stress. Now if only we were learning how to deal with it effectively, not just broad theoretical categories on coping and what stress models there are..

I think studying about stress, while being stressed, makes me just that more stressed. And I really shouldn't be all that stressed. It's only midterms after all. I don't think I've ever tried this hard/care this much about a midterm. Which is maybe saying something but I'm not too sure what.

And I've kind of come to dead end with this whole studying thing. I studied really well for psych, knew 98% of the material yet barely managed above class average. How does that work? It must mean either I don't focus/pay enough attention/take enough time for each question, I am a horrible exam taker (which is most likely a very dominating part of this problem) or that I don't know how to properly apply knowledge to more practical things. Which in turns stresses me again and also worried me for future, more difficult classes that will impact what happens after my undergraduate degree.

So there's a lot of stress there, also not to mention that I need that 3.4 and it's looking to be a bit more difficult than I thought it would be. I'm almost thinking I should take a GPA booster next semester (physics?) just incase. But we shall see once this semester has progressed a bit more.

So I am definitely in need of a break. To recharge. To not have to deal with daily stresses/annoyances. I need to talk to my mom more, heck I need to talk to my friends more, not just the ones that I live with. But it's so damn hard when you're always studying! I can't imagine how people with full course loads are doing this. How did I manage this in my first year? And it seemed so easy then as well! What has changed? Or is it just that now there's so much relying on what I do at this moment in time that I'm putting a magnifying glass up to everything and forgetting about everything else?

Side note about analyzing things: I took a random online personality test just because and it was the Jung model/approach/whatever you call it and part of my result was that I was a thinker. My score for being a thinker? 100% No kidding..

Anyways back to the rant.. I hope I can sort things out when I go home, see things from a different perspective and get my life in order. Not that it's a total mess, but it doesn't even seem right to me anymore, in no particular way. Something's just off.

And now is the time where the brain is fried and just goes off on anything so it's time to go to bed. I have lab in the morning and I don't even know which room it's in this time so I may not even go and I'll just read over my HE ED notes before the exam instead.

Anyone else having mixed emotions about school this year? Especially if you're halfway done your undergrad, or more?

Ps. Have a great thanksgiving!

Saturday, October 1, 2011

New Girl

If you're a fan of Zooey Deschanel (how could you not be?) then this is a show that you should check out! Her character is very.. emotionally wacko. She just broke up with her boyfriend and has moved in with three random guys she met on the internet. She likes to sing at random times and even makes up a theme song for herself, "Who's that girl? It's Jess!".

Sometimes her character gets on my nerves and makes me say "really?" But then there are parts that just make me laugh so hard that it totally makes up for the ridiculousness of her character.

And the supporting cast is great! I want guy friends like these!!

I was definitely skeptical about continuing watching this after the first one, but tonight, in search of comedy and a 20min show, I decided to watch again and I'm so glad I did. Even better than the first one.

On a side note... I watch WAY TOO MUCH TV!!! Drat