Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Same Old

Sometimes I really hate school. I love to learn but sometimes the work required is just too much! Some times I'll feel like doing as much work as possible, but then an hour later when I have time to do I have no motivation whatsoever, even though I know it needs to be done.
I'm slowly falling behind biochem. I know that every Thursday at work I'll have a few hours to go over it, but I feel like I should be doing more. I hate just sitting around and doing nothing, school wise.
I had the same kind of feeling today with PEDS 203 (Skill acquisition and performance). I've only had 2 classes but I already feel like I should be working on stuff; our first exam is Feb 8..
My actual teacher for that class was finally here today. He seems.. interesting. He is pretty funny, he makes me think of a cartoon character. He's a small guy but expresses himself like he isn't.. if that makes sense. He likes to use his hands, his arms are always going all over the place and his voice is always changing volume levels. I think it's going to be a pretty sweet class, I think he could be a comedian. He also brought in props today to demonstrate examples of some concepts. He tried to juggle, but didn't do too well; he was skipping then hit the whiteboard (the metal jut-out that holds the markers and erasers), then jumped up on top of his desk and got excited that he didn't hit his head because he's so short. I think you really need there to grasp what a character this guy is.

I'm so exhausted, still trying to recuperate from the ski trip and to make things worse, I'm sick. It's just a head cold I guess, but that plus exhaustion is not fun. I guess that's also contributing to me not getting any motivation.. I was going to go out for a friend's birthday today but I decided I have spent too much money recently (ski trip) and that not feeling 100% wouldn't make me the funnest person to hang around with. But now Victoria is dragging me out to this supper thing that old fackers are hosting, but at least it's free and right next door. Hopefully it won't go too long and then I'll come home and probably watch tv and very hopefully go to bed early!!!

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