Friday, January 14, 2011

Expaniation-sans corrections

Wow, of to a great start with the no correcting!

Anyways, I'm going to explain why I am a barely full time university student. It's really not that interesting, but I think it helps depict who I am, also sheds light as to why I have so much time on my hands.

So last year I started out in french sciences at faculté saint jean, with the University of ALberta. The first year was a success, I met my GPA expectations and was quite happy with all the courses I took. Then I had to start thinking about second year. Ya.. that's where it got complicated. I knew I liked sciences but I didn't know whoch one would be THE one. I didn't want to dick arund and waste time and money and I also didn't want to choose out of dozens of classes. I wanted it to basically be set in stone what exactly I had t take. So I started thinking about kinesiology. I have many friends who I used to play soccer with, taking this and they all really enjoyed it. I looked up the program and read descriptions of some of the classes and they did sound really neat! I decided that was going to be an "easier" route. Unfortunately I decided this 2 weeks after the deadline for applying. So this year I am stuck woth 3 classes a term becasue most of the classes I would take for the program are restricted strictly for students IN the program. What kind of sucks more is that there's another class I COULD be in right now, but it's been full since Septmeber and has only opened up about 3 times! Not impressed!

Now what I hate about being in university: I know that it's supposed to be hard, that you have to work at it. But I still find myself taking the easy way out. Remember me saying I basically want to be told what to take? Ya that's part of that. I'm thankful I didn't get into engineering because it would be hard. I don't know if I want to become a physio any more because grad school is going to be hard and getting in is going to be hard (I DON'T like interviews..). It sucks that I always think this way now, because I know that I am fully capable of doing anything I want to do, I AM smart, I just don't like to apply myself. I don't know when or how that happened, but it sucks balls! At least I'm able to get it done when it really matters, aka max 2 weeks before finals, 1 week before midterms.. proof I'm smart because that's ALL I do, I don't read or study in between, yet I managed an A- and B+ last semester. It's just thinking ahead to tough atuff that I don't want to do. Imagine, if I could get over all that stupid stuff, I could probably be a doctor if I wanted too.. but also I think a lot of people could do much greater things if they just applied themselves properly..

I guess I kind of started ranting but that's what I like about blogging, you can talk about whatever you want without really feeling like you're making a dork of yourself in front of someone..

BTW I don't know if I've mentioned this on this blog, but biochem is gonna suck! Lots of work ahead for this girl who never took bio (besides science 10 AP - thank the LORD for AP and me being a keener at the end of gr 9 thinking I could handle it (yes I did handle it quite well)), and who saw organic chem a full year ago. It's going to be one heck of a semester!

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