Thursday, January 20, 2011


Hurray, I am finally not being out of my mind bored every single day now! I finally had my 3rd class this week, PEDS 203. My prof had a family emergency last week so he asked a Ph.D. student (last year) to fill in. Man this guy is funny! He is a european on some kind, he wouldn't tell us-we have to figure it out. Anyways, he has done an awesome job so far and I hope that when my prof comes back he is just as good. 

I am REALLY wishing I had taken bio in at least high school now! Bio chem is tough, but I haven't really sat down to really absorb it yet, I'm going to do that tonight at work, so hopefully I'll feel better about it after that. I just have to be more proactive in my learning this semester. I did fine last semester but I just feel that I am wasting my time if I don't really work at it like I should be. Plus it's a time waster; I'm always looking for those! 

This week work has been a big plus for being busy. I had ball hockey timekeeping last night from 7:00-10:30, which is also fun because I get to watch 4 games of ball hockey straight. By no means is it anything like the NHL that I am so used to watching, but being there front and center and seeing the creativity from these recreational players is exciting. Now tonight I have ice hockey equipment room attending. This is where I will have close to at LEAST 4 hours do what ever I please. Therefore plenty of intimate time with bio chem! This is honestly the slackest job you could ever get, at least with the University (I would assume). You hand out equipment for about 20 mins, the players have their hour long game, while this is happening, handing out equipment again 20 mins before the end of the first game, then after the game taking back the equipment. Repeat. So in between these times, for about 40 or so minutes, you can do whatever you please. Talk on your phone, text, play games on your computer, do homework, read, etc. Pretty sweet deal hey? Tonight I will be watching the 11 o'clock game because it's the boys from fac, I'm gonna go cheer them on!

So yes, I have been busy! :D
Obviously not as much as students with 5 classes but at least it's something!

OH! I also started yoga for the very first time in my life yesterday and I loved it!

This weekend is ski trip to Kimberly with the fac, it's going to be a gong show. 8-9 hour bus ride + drinking probably most of the way is going to be ... interesting I think. The rest of the time should be like a normal party. I'm also going to be snowboarding for the first time in a few years.. let's hope I don't get hurt!

PS (this is for Yasmin): Fucking Flames. 6-0 loss against Minny? Wowsa. That's all I really care to say.

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