Monday, May 17, 2010

Nothin doing

I got my first interview lined up today for a summer job! I'd don't think I'm going to go though, it's possible that I'm going to have to pay to have training or whatnot and that's just not going to happen. Yes I should go to see just in case, but the more I think about it, I don't want this job-even though it would probably pay really good. It's with AIL Canada, they sell insurance, I think my position would be to inform on the insurance.. they said my resume looks good for the position... how? I've done nothing, I have no experience with this. Which is what everyone else on the web is saying the company told them, so.. I think I'd prefer working for a legit company I know than for them.. I'm gonna call in the morning and say I'm no longer interested. And hey, at least someone finally called me for a job!

Urgh, I have a cold now, not feeling too hot. My ears/head are stuffed up and I have a runny nose. I woke up at 4am boiling! Hopefully it goes away before Friday-the start of Team Trials.

27 degrees today and I was only able to tan for like an hour. After that, clouds started to roll in-rain clouds. I don't think it's rained here yet, but the sun was hidden and I was not pleased. But then I watched movies that I recorded last night on EAHD, no commercials! Three to Tango is sooo funny, gotta love Matthew Perry (somehow I forgot his first name and called him Corey haha-oh! That's a hockey player, wow, lol)

So no NHL today, but the Hitmen are on sportsnet! Looking for their second win in the Memorial Cup, facing Windsor tonight. Should be a good game; up against Taylor Hall-possible #1 pick for the Oilers in June.

Can Thursday get here already so I can go have fun and not be bored all day? Please?

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