Monday, June 25, 2012

Job Update

I've finally spoken with all three of my references, and they have all made contact with my potential employer; and all have said good luck. So now I guess it's just a waiting game, well it really already was.. but now I don't have to be nervous about it being because someone let me down. Now if I don't get a contract it'll be because they don't like me for some reason.. which wouldn't really make sense since I went to their training session.... sigh.. This seems poorly organized, for myself at least. I really should have applied the first day I thought of it. But instead I waited, not sure if I could be capable of this kind of job.

When I finally did apply, I think it's because I already had a bad feeling growing towards working fr Safeway, and I finally said screw it, what's the worse that could happen? I was honestly really surprised that they thought I would be a good fit. But now going through that training, reading the staff manual, etc; I can imagine myself doing this job for 9 weeks of summer. The first week would probably be a challenge, something new always is, but once I get comfortable, I know it will be a friggen blast!!

So I just want to know!!! I also need as much time as possible to tell Safeway. I'll feel bad if I have shifts that I won't be able to make because of camp starting the 3rd.. And I know I'm already scheduled at Safeway for that week, I just don't know what times & days yet.

Urrrggghhhh! Hopefully there will be no more stringing me along and they can give me definitive answer tomorrow..!!

Otherwise it'll be full tilt search for a new job, and I'd also be screwed for soccer, our Sunday rec league games are now going to be Sunday afternoons, and I HAVE to be available to work Sundays. Before it was ok to say nothing after 5, because I can still work a full shift before that.

Sooo many, many fingers and toes are being crossed right now. I just want an awesome (or even just fun) summer for once; is that so hard to get??

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