Sunday, March 28, 2010

So Busy, But Also Just Lazy

With the excitement this brought, you'd really think the first thing I would do is to broadcast the news everywhere possible and not really worry about bragging, but somehow my laziness caught up with me, something I am not proud of. So now, as I lie almost wide awake now, after being utterly exhausted just an hour ago, I decide it's perfect timing to finally blog again.

A week ago Sunday, I won my second provincial title ever in bowling!! I beat out the Female Youth Canadian Bowler of the Year by 77 pins, she didn't even place 3rd, and I beat the next favorite by 9 pins! It was basically down to my last frame and all I had to do was spare then keep the ball on the lane. I had no clue though. I was determined to not watch the scoreboards, so I had no idea where I was placed. I had some really huge games (231 & 213) but also a pretty crappy one (134-ha!) so I was thinking maybe I was sitting at fourth.

I ended my game, the last to finish out of everyone. Then people started coming over to me, shaking my hand; the girl who took 3rd gave me a hug, then my coach came over and said something about getting my medal then signing papers. That's when I really realized I had won! And the funny thing is, my mom was supposed to have come up from Calgary to watch this tournament. My sister had soccer provincials in Red Deer though, playing for bronze that morning, so my mom was going to come up after that. We were getting through our games really fast though (10 games) so she and I decided it wasn't worth it, she wouldn't get there in time. (Plus at the time I wasn't bowling too hot) So when she called me, I surprised her just like the last time, but I was just non-chalant about it. "So, how'd you do?" "Oh.. I won.." haha. It was an awesome reaction.

Nationals are now in Ontario in May; the weekend after Vancouver. I'm going to get home from Vancouver, spend two days there, then I'm off to Ontario. It's going to be awesome. And actually another kicker about this is, that I'm going to Nationals with people I used to bowl with in Calgary!! So it's going to be pretty sweet.

So this, and just loving life in rez.. I never could have imagine such an awesome year!

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