Thursday, June 27, 2013

Today's Haul, Y'All

Oh god, I've had a good day when I'm speaking like that ^ :)

Anyways, today has been a great day, and it's not over yet. I decided to do a little shopping today, for mostly items that I can get away with saying I need, and some were definitely just impulse buys... oh well! So here's what I got!

Matte finish sunglasses from Claire's

I had a pair almost exactly like these except not matte for orientation last year, but lost them last summer at a bar..! So I finally got out to replace them, needed for next orientation and I also couldn't stand my temporary crappy ones. This was basically the only purchase I really 'needed'.

Lush Cosmetic Warrior face mask & sample of Grease Lightning

Rocky Mountain Soap Breakout Buster

My skin hasn't been too great lately, and I want to get that solved as quick as possible. I'm not a fan of wearing makeup during the summer,  especially with my camp job now. To sweat all day and then end up in the pool, makeup is just not worth it, but I'd rather my face be as nice looking as possible. If not, I'll just suck it up, but may as well try something new!

On sale at Sears, $20 down from $30
Also on sale at Sears, $15 down from $20

These were definitely my impulse purchases, but they looked too cute and too cheap to pass up. Really, I do need shoes but I was actually more just looking for new flip flops. I couldn't find the ones I like so I settled for these. But I still want/need new flip flops..

I already wore the blue ones out and about today, I biked to Whyte Ave and then walked to Lush. I then headed for Tim Hortons but that's when the pain set in.. yep, blisters. I'm hoping it's a case of breaking them in/my skin needs to toughen up again rather than they are not good/I got the wrong size.. At any rate, there's no returning them, I was almost home when I realized I had started to bleed a bit too.. great.

Drawstring backpack from Bentley

I did but also didn't need this.. It was more so just a practical purchase. I was heading to Whyte on my bike and needed to bring my wallet, and I didn't want to have my purchases in a bag hanging off my handle bars so this was a relatively cheap solution, about 10 bucks! I also ended up putting my bike u lock in it; I don't have a screwdriver to mount the holder thing!

Fooling around at Sears. Had it been a different color
 I might have been tempted to buy it...

So quite a few purchases that maybe should have waited until my first paycheque, but oh well. I feel that they were reasonable enough to not make me feel too guilty..! Plus it gave me a reason to get out and enjoy the sunshine!

Next up is orientation volunteer BBQ in a few hours! Summer has finally begun!

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