Wednesday, December 26, 2012

A Year in Review

It's almost that time of year again, where we set unrealistic goals and even possibly give up on them within the first week. But before I start thinking about what I would like to accomplish in 2013, here's a reflexion on my goals I had set for 2012.

  1. Continue healthy habits
  2. Find a legit job for the summer
  3. Nothing less than a B+
  4. Worry less!!
  5. Go to the gym regularly
  6. Spend less time alone
  7. Make plans to travel
I'm finding it hard to keep track, because I keep tabs on the year in terms of the school year. So I barely remember what happened Jan - April. So I'll do my best commenting on these goals.

  1. For the most part I did do a good job. Up to the last few months maybe, especially during exam times I tend to stray from healthy habits.
  2. I kind of did, after awhile. I ended up at Safeway for June (not legit) but ended up with a soccer camp counselor job for July - Aug, which was a lot more responsibility than I was used to, so I think that counts. 
  3. FAIL. I don't even know why I set that as a goal. That was just dumb. I shouldn't be setting goals numerically, only by qualitative measures. 
  4. Pass. This last semester especially was the least stressed I'd been in a long time, and as a result didn't get sick! (Well until I came home and caught a cold from a friend)
  5. I can't remember about last semester, but this fall I did great in September, but once exams hit I was off my schedule and never got back to it. I was terrible, really.
  6. Well this past semester this was definitely accomplished, being that my roommates are always around and we enjoy doing things together!
  7. Uhh why was this on the list..? I guess my "plan" ended up for Toronto for Team Canada Trials? I'm not going to be able to do any real traveling until years after I graduate (unless I get a trip as a grad gift..?)
I'm not even sure why I set goals for the year, because I don't even check back to them throughout the year.. I guess it's just nice to set a bar for yourself, for where you're at in your life, and then to come back a year later and see how you've progressed. If you've met some goals, great! Then I take those to be really meaningful goals that still hold strong for you a year later. If you didn't meet them, maybe priorities have changed and you're at a different point in your life. In all, it's just interesting for self reflexion I think.

Highlights of 2012
  • Acceptance into the faculty of Physical Education
  • Going to Toronto for the first time (for Team Trials)
  • Won my first cash tournament ($150)
  • Had my first 290 game
  • My best friend moved in with me
  • Won the advanced women's division of futsal intramural championship
Lowlights of 2012
  • Being sick nearly all summer (mono, pink eye, virus; all within 2 months)
  • Not getting into kines
  • Poor performance at Team Trials
  • Roommate trouble (but it resulted in a highlight)
So 2012 wasn't overly eventful; and really the worst parts came April - Sept; oddly enough (not school related). Here's looking to 2013 and above all, hoping for HEALTH :P

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