Sunday, August 8, 2010

So this weekend, was my cousin's, Pam, wedding. It was all the way out in Hanna, Alberta. You know where that is right? By that farm? Between no where and no where? Ya, thought so, closest place it's close to would be Drumheller, but still like 30mins away from it, on the way out to Saskatchewan. It was a small, low budget wedding but it was still a good time. It was great to see the family again. All my aunts, uncles, cousins and second cousins. The second cousins were the best to see because the last time I saw them was when they were all babies! Now they're all energetic 4-6 year olds (ALL boys by the way haha) who run around trying to get the pretty girls to dance with them. They're SO cute. The most fun I had was when we were all just hanging out at the campground drinking and talking. It's so much more fun when I can drink with them! I also forgot how much they can drink! It was definitely nice to see where some of my roots came from haha. Half of these people I grew up seeing many times during the year since they lived in Calgary as well; it sucks now that we don't know them quite as well as we used to. Case in point, my cousin Erin who is 6 months older than me. It was like we were best friends when we were younger but now it's like we're strangers-very odd. All in all though it was really nice to see everyone but hopefully it won't take another 5 years or so.

While we were saying our goodbyes, 3 people said it was my turn next to get married, lol. All the other cousins are married since they're at least 5 years older; our family is so weird haha. There actually is another family event next weekend, one of my uncle's 70th birthday, out in Moose Jaw, but my mother was kind enough to let me know just a couple of days ago. I probably wouldn't have been able to take it off anyways though; I would have needed 3 days off and would have ended up with like 5 days off-too much. Really unfortunate too though since after seeing them I feel like I need to see them again; it felt nice to be around a lot of people who I know. I really hope that maybe next summer someone will have a get together so I can roadtrip trip it again! At least I hope we can have some kind of family reunion in the next few-FEW!-years. That would be awesome.

Anyways, it was a really short trip but I'm glad I was able to do it-to see everyone again. It was nice to get hugs from all of them.

Love my crazy Rostie family! :D

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