Saturday, December 24, 2011

Monday, December 19, 2011

It's The End of an Era!!!

..or so Monica in Friends would say.

But it's almost true. The holidays are here and then my best friend goes away to Norway for 6 months. That's countless hours of ridiculousness gone from my life next semester. So sad. Not sure what I'll do with my time..


Monday, December 5, 2011


I can exhale now. I finally got my winter semester money back that my loan was not supposed to pay the university quite yet. As of a result of that I had been penny pinching the last month and a half or so, and paying rent with my own money. But now it's all good and I can actually afford to buy people xmas presents and also celebrate the end of the semester with some drinks! Whoop! Seeing that cheque made me feel so much better!

Now hurray for sleep in tomorrow and only one class. Then Wednesday one class of review and one of watching people perform their dances. Studying the rest of the hours of the days. Then wings & drinks Wednesday for dinner, event staff xmas party Thursday (free supper and some drinks, then toonie bar!) then soccer at 10. Friday is a bday party dinner, then a little xmas party celebration Saturday evening! Then hitting the books hard!

Looking forward to it :)